Frequently Asked Questions
Some of our frequently asked questions.
General Questions
What does the initial naturopathic visit entail?
The initial visit with a naturopathic doctor is approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours long and includes a complete health history of your current complaints as well as a review of systems (a look at the rest of the body to see connections/imbalances). Also there is some physical examination as required. Following that goals and next steps are discussed.
Are naturopathic services covered by insurance?
Many extended health care benefit plans cover naturopathic care. We recommend you check your individual plan for details regarding coverage. We will provide you with a receipt for you to submit to your insurance plan in order to be reimbursed for your visits.
How do I make an appointment?
Click on Appointments, call us at 905-836-2723 or visit our contact page to send an email.
What is the difference between Naturopathic Doctors and Homeopaths or other alternative practitioners?
Naturopathic Doctors all have a minimum of at least 7 years training. Some like Tara have a four year honours degree from University prior to attending the 4 year post-graduate study course at an accredited naturopathic college. We are also provincially licensed and regulated. Homeopaths utilize only one modality (homeopathy). Naturopathic doctors are trained in and use several modalities for treatment such as clinical nutrition, traditional chinese medicine (acupuncture and herbs), botanical medicine, homeopathy and lifestyle counselling. To find out if your Naturopathic Doctor is properly regulated please visit the College of Naturopathic Medicine who maintain an up to date listing of registered Naturopathic Doctors in the Province of Ontario.
What methods of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, Mastercard and Interac as well as cheques and exact cash.
About Our Services
Primary Care
Women's Health
Pediatric Care
Prenatal Care
Have a Different Question?
Email us anytime
Or call — (905) 836-2723